Your initial answer to each question should be at least 100 words in length. Your answers must reflect thoughtful, college-level analysis of the topicApa format references. You should also plan on commenting on at least two of your classmates’ posts per question.


Unit 2 DQ1: What is a personal brand?
Very simply – your brand is what people say about you. Your brand is not your logo, but rather, it is how someone else describes you, your firm, your staff, and your offerings. It is important to understand that your brand exists whether you like it or not. The good news is that you can control your brand by being open and forthcoming, in a professional manner, about awards you’ve won, your involvement in the community, your new opportunities, positions achieved, events you are involved with, or even through your reactions to the current events or market conditions.
To develop a personal brand we should use every opportunity to let others see our credibility. One way to do this is to be an active member of the community. This helps to establish name recognition and positive awareness. It is not happenstance that people at the top are generally quite active in their communities. Think about why this might occur? It happens because when you give back you are actually developing a positive brand as a good member of the community and with this come increased business and opportunities.

Do you have a presence online?
Have you ever done a Google search on yourself or even wondered what might be on the Web about you? In this age of information, most people who are interested in you will search for you online and check out your Web site before considering you for services or employment. When they find you, will your online image help you or harm you? Your Web site is your is a window into you and should be a reflection of who you are as a professional. It will help to establish your personal brand. Everything you
do will help mold how people view you as a professional, so ask yourself, “What does my email ID say about me”?

Control your personal brand!
You can control your brand through communication as people look to you with confidence and trust. Your communication will differentiate you. You can make people feel important and give them something to talk about, which can, in turn, bring you business and opportunities. The reality is that
there are hundreds of thousands of people who probably have the same skills and competencies that you do. Ultimately it will be your brand that will determine your success. The stronger your brand, the more credible and visible you are, the easier it is to find you and desire to use your skills which will result in even more value for you as a person. In today’s world we have some exciting opportunities to show our personal brand by using social networking sites such as LinkedIn, twitter, facebook, in addition to
belonging to professional organizations, etc. You may already have a presence on one or more of these social networking sites or, if not, you may want to research one or more of these sites to begin to build a presence with your personal brand in mind.

For this discussion, consider this topic and converse with your fellow classmates about choice,opportunity cost, and comparative advantage with regards to personal brand in social networking sitesand/or associations you might belong to. Include some ideas about what you can do right now to
improve and develop your own personal brand.

Unit 3 DQ1: When a government wants to increase tax revenue, they will often increase the sales tax on gasoline. Using price elasticity of demand, explain why the tax would be placed on gasoline rather than, say, yachts. What might be the long run effect of raising the price of gas?
DQ2: The shape of the long-run cost curve is determined by economies and diseconomies of scale.Contrast this curve with the short-run cost curve as it relates to increasing and diminishing marginal
returns to labor.

Unit 4 DQ1: Describe an industry that would meet the conditions of a perfectly competitive industry and how the individual firms would respond to an increase in the market demand for the product.
DQ2: When developing short-run cost curves, it is assumed that all firms in perfect competition have the same cost curves and they all make identical short-run profits or losses. Contrast this to the real world and why individual firms might experience different cost curves and different profits.

Unit 5 DQ1: In chapter 9, it was assumed that a monopoly would produce at a level that maximizes profits. Can you think of reasons why a monopoly might decide on their own to increase production and lower prices to earn an acceptable profit rather than maximize profits?
DQ2: Discuss the role of advertising and the desired impact on the firm’s demand curve. Contrast this to advertising at the industry level (think “Got Milk”).

Unit 6 DQ1: Contrast the market demand/supply curves and the individual firm’s labor supply/demand curve in a perfectly competitive labor market. How does the law of diminishing marginal returns affect a firm’s demand for labor?
DQ2: Your decision to pursue a higher-level degree is based on investment in human capital. What are the marginal costs and benefits of pursuing additional education and the inherent risks associated with this decision?

Unit 7 DQ1: Discuss the rationale for government regulation of firms with market power. Is regulation in the consumer’s interest or in the producer’s interest and how might this control special interest groups?

DQ2: There is a tendency to turn problems of market failure over to the government. However, a representative democracy has failings of its own. Should we always expect government to perform better than the private sector in solving economic problems?

Unit 8 DQ1: Why do economists pay more attention to national economies than state or regional economies?
DQ2: What factors might contribute to a low level of productivity in an economy? Compare these to the rapid productivity growth experience by the United States during the 1990s.

Unit 9DQ1: The national income accounts measure productivity, spending, and income; but these accounts were not designed to measure economic welfare. Discuss aspects of economic welfare ignored in GDP. HINT: Do a “Google” search on the Genuine Progress Indicator and compare this with GDP in terms of measuring economic welfare.
DQ2: Discuss the differences between unemployment and underemployment and give examples of each. Include in your contribution the differences between fiscal and monetary policy and how each would be used to reduce high levels of unemployment.

Unit 10DQ: Between World War II and October 1979, the Fed targeted stable interest rates as a way of promoting a stable investment environment. Were they successful? Why?Your initial answer to each question should be at least 100 words in length. Your answers must reflect thoughtful, college-level analysis of the topic.

For essay answers towards the above questions email to : [email protected] or chat with us on live .

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