Qualys Vulnerability Management

Qualys Vulnerability Management Exam Help

If you want to take the Qualys Vulnerability Management (VM) exam, Assignmentstore can help you.

Our experts have worked with the Qualys platform for a long time and have been through the certification process themselves.

In this content space, we’ll talk about the Qualys VM exam in general, including what’s on it, how it’s set up, and how to prepare for it, as well as how Assignmentstore can help you do well.

What’s on the Test?

The Qualys VM exam covers a wide range of topics that have to do with managing vulnerabilities.

These things are:

Introduction to Vulnerability Management: This section talks about the basics of vulnerability management, such as the different kinds of vulnerabilities and how they affect IT infrastructure.

Architecture of Qualys VM: This section looks at the architecture of the Qualys VM platform, including its different parts and how they work together.

Vulnerability Detection and Scanning Techniques: This topic goes into detail about the different scanning options in Qualys VM, such as discovery scans, vulnerability scans, and compliance scans.

Asset Management and Inventory: This section tells you how to use Qualys VM to manage and keep an inventory of IT assets, including how to classify assets and keep track of changes over time.

Remediation and Mitigation: This topic looks at how to use Qualys VM’s patch management tools and vulnerability ticketing systems to prioritise and keep track of remediation efforts.

Reporting and Dashboarding: This section explains how to use Qualys VM to make reports and dashboards that give an organization’s vulnerability management programme more visibility.

Integrations with Third-Party Tools: This topic looks at how to connect Qualys VM to other security tools, like SIEM and GRC platforms.

How the Exam Works ?

The Qualys VM exam is made up of 60 multiple-choice questions. The test takes 90 minutes to finish, and a score of 65% is needed to pass.

The test is available online, so anyone with an internet connection can take it.

The test doesn’t have to be taken in a proctored setting, but the test-identity taker’s will be checked before the test starts.

How to Get Ready ?

To prepare for the Qualys VM exam, you need to do both hands-on work and focused study. Here are some things you can do to get ready:

Gain Hands-On Experience: The best way to get ready for the Qualys VM exam is to use the platform yourself. If you don’t have a Qualys account, you can sign up for a free trial to learn more about how it works and what features it has.

Exam content can help you figure out what to study. The Qualys VM exam content is listed on the Qualys website. Make sure you have a good grasp of each topic and can use what you’ve learned in the real world.

Take Practice Tests: You can find practise tests for the Qualys VM exam in a number of online places. These tests can help you figure out where to focus your studying and give you an idea of what to expect on the day of the exam.

Participate in Training Programs:

Qualys has a number of training programmes, such as instructor-led courses and online modules that you can go through at your own pace.

These programmes can give you a more in-depth look at the exam material and help you learn more about the Qualys platform.

Join the Qualys Community: The Qualys Community is an online forum where security professionals can ask questions, share information, and talk to each other.

If you join the community, you can get a lot of help and information as you study for the exam.

What Assignmentstore Can Do for You ?

We have a team of experts at Assignmentstore who know a lot about the Qualys VM platform and the content that was on the test.

Our experts have been through the certification process and have worked with the platform, so they are the best people to help you study for the exam.

Our services include:

Study Material: Our experts can give you study material that goes into detail about all the topics on the exam. This material is meant to help you understand the ideas better and figure out how to use them in the real world.

Practice Tests: We have practise tests that are very close to the real test. These tests can help you figure out where to focus your studying and give you an idea of what to expect on the day of the exam.

One-on-One Sessions: Our experts are available for one-on-one sessions where they can answer any questions you may have and give you advice on how to prepare for the exam.

Exam Simulation: We offer a service that simulates the real exam in a way that is very close to the real thing. This service can help you get a feel for how the test is set up and can also help you keep track of your time during the test.

Coaching and mentoring: Our experts can help you prepare for the test by coaching and mentoring you. They can help you make a study plan, show you how to manage your time well, and give you tips on how to do well on the test.


The Qualys VM exam is a difficult certification that requires both real-world experience and hard study to pass.

  • But if you use Assignmentstore, you can be sure that you have all the tools and help you need to do well.
  • Our team of experts has a lot of experience with both the Qualys platform and the topics on the exam.
  • This makes us the perfect partner to help you prepare for and pass the exam.

Contact us right away to find out more about how we can help you get certified.

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