Describe your dishonesties
QUESTION: Confront your own “dishonesties” which, if dealt with, will help you be more effective trainee and counselor. Be specific as you can. As in the examples, describe specific experiences, behaviors, feelings, points of view and decisions. Give brief example.

Describe your “dishonesties”:
What should you do about this?
Normative dishonesties
We allow ourselves, to a greater or lesser extent to become victims of our own prejudices, smoke screens, distortions and self deceptions. Focus, on the kind of dishonesties that might affect the quality of your membership in the training group.
Example 1: A trainee confronts his need to control situations. She says, “I am very controlling in my relationships with others. For instance, in social situations I manipulate people into doing what I want to do. I do this subtly as possible. I find out that everyone wants
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