Quiz Questions 2
Questions :
1) What is the main finding of Art Reber’s artificial grammar experiments, and how would Brooks, Norman and Allan’s results be used to explain them?
2) If one group of people were to memorize examples of an artificial grammar, and another group of people were to try to work out the rules describing an artificial grammar, what would happen if the two groups were then given new items to classify? Would the memorize group perform above or below chance; would the rule group perform above or below chance; how, if at all, would the two groups differ.
3) Murphy and Medin suggested that background knowledge is important for organizing concepts. What problem with background knowledge is revealed by Wilson and Kiel’s work?
4) a) Jane is trying to identify a butterfly. She realizes it is most similar to an average Iron Monarch. This would be consistent with __-based accounts
b) a) Jane is trying to identify a butterfly. She realizes it is most similar to an a Yellow Hoverer she saw last week. This would be consistent with __-based accounts of categorization
c) According to Bartlett, we use __ to fill in our gaps in memory.
d) Rashid describes to a friend an interesting person they saw on the bus this morning. Following this description, Rashid should be to recognize that person again.
5) An item is more likely to be remembered when the same actions performed on it at test were performed on it at training. What principle describes this effect?
6) Name two other measures that typicality ratings are correlated with?
7) What are ad hoc categories and why do they present a problem for prototype theories?
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