Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan

Course ProjectWeek5Project First Draft
Course Project First Draft4015%Provide a first draft of your e-Commerce Business Plan. A good first draft is an almost done paper. Make sure that you identify the outside resources you will be using in your reference page.

Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan

Objective | Guidelines | Deliverables | Grading Rubrics | Best Practices

Objective :The purpose of the course project is to provide you the experience of creating a unique e-Commerce solution.  You are forming an e-Commerce company to take advantage of the opportunities in the e-marketplace, and will author a Business Plan for that venture.

Your choice of firm may include any industry, business or service. Your project can involve the sale of products or services. This project provides extreme latitude for creativity and demonstration of your mastery of course objectives, in addition to relevant topics studied in other courses you have taken and your own professional experiences.

Note that a project of reasonable similarity submitted for any other DeVry course may not be used in this project.

Guidelines : Your Business Plan should follow this basic outline, plus include any content unique to your choice of product or service. Your plan should demonstrate your understanding of concepts covered by course readings, lectures, and assignments. Your business plan should discuss all strategies needed for the creation of an e-commerce site.

I.   Executive Summary
II.  Business Description
     a. Products / Services Offered
     b. Mission Statement
     c. Industry
     d. Business Goals and Objectives
     e. Business Models – Revenue and Payment Models
III. Marketing
     a. Market Analysis / Market Forecast
     b. Target Markets
     c. Marketing Strategy
IV. Competitor Analysis
     a. Competition
     b. Strengths and Weaknesses
     c. Competitive Advantage
V.  Conclusion
VI. References

To help you write your Business Plan, follow the Online Tutorial titled Introduction to the E-Business Plan from the publisher’s student website. This tutorial includes detailed tips for each section and links to more information.

Deliverables :Your finished Business Plan is a Word document:

  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font, double space
  • Add page header with a shortened title for your paper and the page number per APA
  • Includes a Cover Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Body (see guidelines above), Summary or Conclusion and Reference Page
  • Your paper should be 8 to 10 pages in length plus the title page and reference page
  • include at least 6 valid outside references with proper APA citations
Due DateDeliverablePoints
Week 3Course Project Topic30
Week 5Course Project First Draft40
Week 7Business Plan Submission200

Grading Rubrics:

Course ProjectWeek3Project Topic
Course Project Topic3011%Provide your topic for your e-Commerce Business Plan describing the Products/services being offered and how your website will make money.
Course ProjectWeek5Project First Draft
Course Project First Draft4015%Provide a first draft of your e-Commerce Business Plan. A good first draft is an almost done paper. Make sure that you identify the outside resources you will be using in your reference page.
Course ProjectWeek7Project Final Paper
Documentation & Formatting20 7% Is the data organized so as to present the business case in a persuasive fashion?  Is the prescribed format used?
Organization & Cohesiveness8030% Does the paper follow the organization for a business plan?  Are data and names consistent?
Editing20 7% Professional writing style to include proper spelling, grammar, quality of expression.
Content8030% E-Commerce Business Plan following the guidelines above.
Total200100%A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Best Practices : The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.

  • Cover Page – Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
  • Table of Contents – List the sections of your paper and the pages in which they are located.
  • Executive Summary – The purpose of an executive summary is to set the stage for the reader and entice the reader to continue reading your paper.
    1. Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
    2. Include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material.
    3. Establish a tone for the document.
    4. Include a reason for the audience to read the paper.
  • Body of Your Report – Following the guidelines above, break out the main ideas, state the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Use headings and subheadings to label each section. You need to include the information you found during your research and investigation (remember to add in text citations per APA guidelines).
  • Summary or Conclusion – – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the e-commerce industry.

    Additional hints on preparing the best possible project.
    1. Apply a three step process of writing… Plan, Write, and Complete.
    2. Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.

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