
Essay Professionalism

Certain qualities that a person possesses demonstrate his professionalism. His appearance conveys a lot to those with whom he interacts and personal grooming is an important aspect of professionalism. Well-fitting dress and footwear and personal hygiene contributes to his formal look. Maintaining a good posture, having a smile, making eye contact, staying calm when in pressure are some of the non-verbal communications that proclaims professionalism. 

Professionalism and morality are two sides of the same coin. There should be transparency and honesty in his intent. He should be governed by ethical codes of conduct. People who are ethical only exhibit professionalism. Responsible behavior makes an impact in whichever field one chooses to work and that person would be counted upon even in difficult situations.  A professional is expected to be well organized by adhering to a proper schedule and ensuring the desired results in the bargain. 

Complete dedication to a cause or work and the initiation to involve in the chosen path is a virtue a professional is expected to have. The ability to work hard with dedication is one of the most fundamental philosophies of success. Strong self-esteem leads a person to stay committed. It also fires the drive to build a reputation. All these instill trust and reliability boosting one’s self confidence. Being loyal to the organization is part of being professional. Hence, possessing all the above-mentioned qualities will qualify a person to have professionalism. 

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