Psychology Assignment PART 3
12 What are the effects of the neurotransmitter dopamine and its effects on learning?
SAMPLE ANSWER : Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which has an effect on body movements, reinforcement, reward and addiction. It is also found that dopamine aids the brain cells to process information which are crucial.
13. What is your definition of emotional intelligence? Why is it important to understand emotional intelligence? How might this be important in a work situation?
14.Is there correlation between a person with a high IQ score and a high EQ score? Explain your answer.
15. What are the eight types of intelligence /multiple intelligence) referred to in the film by professor Howard Gardner?
16, What is the role hippocampus in the brain?
SAMPLE ANSWER : Memory is formed, organized and stored in a part of the brain known as the hippocampus. It is involved in functions like emotional responses, forming new memories, and navigation.
17. What is your definition of emotional intelligence? Why is it important to understand emotional intelligence? How might this be important in a work situation?
18 Is there correlation between a person with a high IQ score and a high EQ score? Explain your answer.
SAMPLE ANSWER : There is a definite relationship between High IQ scores and High EQ scores. It is natural for a person with a high IQ score to have a high EQ square, because even intelligence constitutes of emotion and passion.
19. What are the eight types of intelligence /multiple intelligence) referred professor Howard Gardner?
20 What distinguishes the basic forms of learning?
21. Explain classical conditioning
22. What is Pavlov’s legacy with regard to classical conditioning?
SAMPLE ANSWER : He had objected to the ideas of Sigmund Freud and the very name of classical conditioning is associated with Ivan Pavlov. There were no theories which were so comprehensive as his on classical conditioning so far, and his legacy seems to continue with regards to classical conditioning. His experiments with dog;s , little albert were one of the most determining factors in the history of psychology .
23 Who is BF Skinner and what was his legacy regarding learning and it is open book and open note.
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