Vignette Analysis

Vignette Analysis
This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the vignette for each question. All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that may pertain to the situations presented below.


Lance is a 37 year old Anglo American man who comes to you, because he is tired of a lifetime of blushing. He says it started in grade school when everyone pointed at him and laughed at him when his face was bright red. Lance tells you, “it is getting so bad that I turn down invitations to most social gatherings, family parties and affairs and will only go to the market late at night so I won’t run into anyone I know.” You notice Lance will not make eye contact with you and when he glances your way, he begins to blush and fidget.

1. Using the information in the texts on cognitive behavioral therapy and social anxiety-specific phobias, what are some of your thoughts about Lance?

2. Devise a behavioral experiment for Lance.

SAMPLE ANSWER :My thoughts about Lance revolve around the social anxiety and related disorders. Mental health professionals often distinguish between generalized social phobia and specific social phobia. People with generalized social phobia have great distress in a wide range of social situations. Those with specific social phobia may experience anxiety only in a few situations. The term “specific social phobia” may also refer to specific forms of non-clinical social anxiety.


Carla is a 28 year old woman of Italian descent who is sent for therapy through her EAP program at work. Carla tested positive for amphetamine on a random drug test at work. She denies using drugs and tells you, “it is those allergy pills that did it; you know those kinds they now hide behind the counter and you have to ask for? I only bought the stuff because my girl friend told me they hype you up so you’re not hungry. I really need to lose these extra pounds and I had no idea they would test positive for speed”. You notice Carla is pale, quite thin and that her face is broken out. Her pupils are dilated and she can’t seem to sit still. When you ask her if she thinks she is fat, she tells you, “I’m huge! Look at me. Okay, I used to buy diet pills from some dealer and oh well, since I’m fessing up, I used to make myself throw up after meals as a teenager, but not no more. Now I run marathons and eat one meal a day so I don’t blimp out.”

1. Using the information in the texts on cognitive behavioral therapy and substance abuse and eating disorders, what are some of your thoughts about Carla?

2. Devise a behavioral experiment for Carla.

SAMPLE ANSWER: My thoughts about Carla are that she has given into substance abuse by her using amphetamines. Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance (drug) that is not considered dependent. Substance abuse/drug abuse is not limited to mood-altering or psycho-active drugs. Activity is also considered substance abuse when inappropriately used


Max is a 21 year old African American man who is brought in to therapy by his parents. Lately, Max has been telling them that spirits are coming to him at night to warn him that something bad is going to happen to his family. Max tells you, “I was told that evil will show itself to me in signs that only I will see. Only I can be the savior of my family when the evil comes.” The parents tell you that Max has always been a bright young man, honor student, computer genius and talented writer. His childhood was uneventful with a strong and loving family. They tell you that about 2 years ago, Max began to isolate in his room and that they have heard him having conversations with himself. Max tells you that he knows that “the answers to saving my family are hidden in a bill board sign on the freeway. Time is running out so I don’t know why I am wasting my time talking to you. Time is of the essence, you know”.

1.Using the information in the texts on cognitive behavioral therapy and schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, what are some of your thoughts about Max?

2. Devise a behavioral experiment for Max.

SAMPLE ANSWER: My thoughts about Max are that he is suffering from schizophrenia. Many psychological mechanisms have been implicated in the development and maintenance of schizophrenia. Cognitive biases have been identified in those with the diagnosis or those at risk, especially when under stress or in confusing situations. Some cognitive features may reflect global neurocognitive deficits such as memory loss, while others may be related to particular issues and experiences.

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